Wednesday, December 2, 2009

They were right, the cloud did have a silver lining... (Part 1)

Its no secret that this place depresses me horribly. Its no secret that I wish I was anywhere but here. But then sometimes things happen that brings a smile to my lips and warms my heart and then I get the rare feeling of being wanted again. Here are a few examples of few recent things I can remember.

1. One random day I was as usual wasting my afternoon on facebook when Jyothsni pinged me to tell me there was food in her room, I could come if I wanted to. I had already had lunched. but the simple gesture of asking me touched me so much that I went immediately. The food was extremely yummy. Prawns and mutton and biriyani and sweets and cake. But more than the flavour of the food, it was the invitation that left a great aftertaste..

2. It was placement week. Day zero morning. I was scared stiff. Very very nervous. The nervousness kept increasing exponentially as I kept getting rejected by company after company. I was waiting for my 4th company of the morning and my 6th interview overall when I saw Chandan standing under the balcony. He asked how it had gone. I told him rejected. He just smiled and mouthed keep faith, things will work out. 3 interviews later I was selected by that same company.

3. I was feeling really low and suffocated in college. I wanted a break, wanted to leave. That's when Gaju called. He wanted to know if I wanted to meet him for a drink and dinner. I couldn't have said no. I didn't want to. Time flew. I was with him for 4 hours. Nothing like good food, good drinks and good company to improve my mood.

4. I was again, as usual, playing through Farmville. Total time waste, I agree. But at least gives me something to do. This is when Anuj's chat message popped up. He was alone in his flat in Gurgaon, on a Friday evening, drinking. It somehow felt great talking to him. I could sense that once in a while he does miss me. Made me feel wanted.

5. I had called Arinnjay to wish him happy birthday. In the conversation it came up that he'll be in Kolkata from the 10th of December where as I am landing on the 13th. The happiness in his voice to hear he'll be meeting me again was a serious ego boost.

6. Every time a case competition comes up, Kari, Birla and I just know that we're participating, time and resources permitting. This comfort level, trust and compatibility is a great take away for me from this place.

7. Purna mailed me to tell me about this sudden urge to meet me after college one day, although she is hundreds of miles away from me. Things like this make you go mushy.

8. It was a presentation and I had worked hard for it. It was different from the usual presentations and I was worried about pulling it off. Just before going up to the front of the class I received a message. It simply said, "Best of luck eye!!!". It was BP.

9. Very often I have felt out of place and on the fringes of a group. Very often I've had the feeling of being there but not belonging. One person who really tries to change that for me is Karan. There is no particular moment to recollect, but he gives me this nice and happy feeling.

10. I was mad at the world and screaming bloody murder. Ronald happened to call me at the exact same moment. I was screaming the roof down into the phone and he tried to reason with me. I ended up abusing him pretty bad. Although he hung up on me then, he realised I was upset and called me back not only to make amends but also cheer me up.

A lot of other things happen daily, a lot of people play their part. Writing about them all would have taken me days. This is just a snapshot of ten things in the recent past of about one month that have made me smile when I was very upset.


  1. Nice one EYE :-) Really touching; sometimes a simple sentence is all it takes to make one's day (I don't mean to brag though :p)

  2. your call was so unexpected.. and its been long since we met just like we used to in college.. just us.. with our truckloads of unending stories.. its been nearly two whole years ishira.. and there's so much to tell..
