Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Nouveau Blog

Woke up third day in a row with a scratchy throat. The viral was still showing resistance. I realised it would be another "quiet" day for me. Now, for a talkative me, not being able to speak is like the worst punishment I can give myself. Soon, started getting bored. Couldn't go to a friend or call anyone since my voice has left my side for now. Couldn't walk since the anti-biotic induced bitter taste in my mouth has prevented me from eating anything substantial in the last three days and has rendered me weak. On top of that, a very good friend of mine had managed to offend me immensely last night. So, when I finally woke up, hungover with medicine, alcohol (in cough syrup) and sadness, I decided it was time to change.

Now, I know change is the essence of life. Nothing is ever constant. Blah blah blah. I looked around me in eager anticipation; wanting to change the first thing I could. Within 70 seconds I was disappointed. Making physical changes to either the room or to me would be too much of a stress. So I had to resort more "virtual" changes. Hence, the nouveau look. Comments on the visual look and feel are welcome.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I like the look and feel :) somewhat abstract, a bit poetic and a bit reluctant to give it all away...
